Wednesday 20 July 2016

Well done all at William Cobbett!

Thanks go to SENCO Belinda Romeu and all the children, staff and parents from William Cobbett School for raising a spectacular £301.43 for the NAS Surrey Branch through their autism awareness day in June.  

NAS Surrey Branch fundraising volunteer Sarah Mason collected the money and spoke to the children about autism in an assembly and said that the children asked some really great questions about what they had learned.

Spectacular donation from Hayley Willoughby and Friends

A very big Thank you to member Hayley Willoughby and friends who organised a Onesie Wednesday Walton Funday to raise money for the NAS Surrey Branch during World Autism Awareness Week in April, raising an amazing £550. 

Hayley and friends got everyone to join in the fun and wear onesies - including the adults!

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Relaxed Performance - Children of Eden Youth Theatre

Relaxed Performance of musical 'Children of Eden by YESOS youth theatre group Fri 5th August. 2.00pm

Tickets from:  Harlequin Theatre, Redhill on: (01737) 276500 or 
Info from :  Alison Bond at YESOS (01293) 774212 / or . Price £8.